In this article, I’ll share key Unity Developer Interview Questions For Freshers that I’ve encountered firsthand. These questions will boost your confidence and help you crack your interview.
If you’re a fresher looking to make a Career in unity game development, you’ve probably wondered what kind of questions interviewers ask. Well, you’re in the right place! Based on my own experience of giving multiple interviews, I’ve put together some of the most commonly asked Unity Developer Interview Questions For Freshers—along with clear, easy-to-understand answers. These aren’t just theory-based questions; they’re the ones you’ll actually face in real interviews. So, let’s dive in and get you fully prepared! 🚀

Table of Contents
Toggle1. What is prefab? and what is the use of the prefab?
This is very basic question asked to beginners in Unity Developer Interview Questions For Freshers.
A Prefab (short for “prefabricated object”) is like a ready-made blueprint for a GameObject. It allows you to create an object once and reuse it anywhere in your game—without having to set it up from scratch every time.
Once you turn an object into a Prefab, it gets stored as an asset, meaning you can instantly duplicate it and make changes to all instances at once. No more manually adjusting multiple copies—just tweak the Prefab, and every instance updates automatically.
Think of Prefabs Like…
Imagine you’re designing an enemy character. You’ve added animations, scripts, colliders—basically, everything it needs. Instead of manually copying this enemy everywhere, you turn it into a Prefab. Now, you can spawn as many as you want with just a few clicks. Need to tweak its behavior? Just update the Prefab, and all enemies update instantly. Super efficient!
How to Use Prefabs in Unity
Creating a Prefab is super simple:
- Design your object in the scene (add all necessary components).
- Drag it into the Project window—this automatically creates a Prefab.
- Now, you can drag this Prefab into the scene whenever you need it.
If you modify the Prefab Asset, all instances of it update automatically—saving tons of time!
Why Use Prefabs?
Prefabs are a game-changer
because they:
✅ Save Time – Create once, use everywhere.
✅ Keep Things Organized – No need to manage hundreds of separate objects.
✅ Make Updates Easy – Change the Prefab, and all copies get updated instantly.
✅ Help with Performance – Prefabs make it easier to instantiate objects dynamically (like spawning enemies).
Prefabs are one of the best features in Unity for keeping your project efficient and scalable. Whether you’re making enemies, UI elements, or collectibles—using Prefabs saves time and keeps everything consistent.
2. Explain Unity Life Cycle OR Explain the difference between Update, FixedUpdate, and LateUpdate.
When developing games in Unity, it’s crucial to understand the game object lifecycle because this is most commonly asked question in my experience in Unity Developer Interview Questions For Freshers.
It’s essential to grasp the Differences between Update, FixedUpdate, and LateUpdate. Each of these functions plays a unique role in your game’s lifecycle, ensuring smooth gameplay and accurate physics calculations.
- Definition: Called when the script instance is being loaded.
- Purpose: Initialize variables or game states before the game starts.
- When: This happens before any Start functions.
- Definition: Called every time the object becomes active.
- Purpose: Perform tasks when the object is enabled.
- When: After Awake, or when an object is re-enabled.
- Definition: Called before the first frame update.
- Purpose: Set up the object just before it starts interacting.
- When: Called before the first frame, if the script is enabled.
- Definition: Called once per frame.
- Purpose: Handle regular frame-based tasks like checking for input.
- When: Called every frame.
- Definition: Called at a fixed time interval and this is Independent of frame rate.
- Purpose: Manage physics calculations to ensure consistency.
- When: After every fixed timestamp defined in Time Settings in unity, by default it is set to 0.02f.
- Definition: Called once per frame after the Update.
- Purpose: Handle tasks that need to occur after all Update processes.
- When: After Update in the same frame.
- Definition: Called when the object becomes inactive.
- Purpose: Clean up or save states when disabling an object.
- When: Before the object is deactivated
- Definition: Called just before the object is destroyed.
- Purpose: Free up resources and perform last-minute tasks.
- When: When the object is about to be destroyed.
3. Difference Between Time.deltaTime and Time.fixedDeltaTime.
Understanding the difference between Time.deltaTime and Time.fixedDeltaTime is crucial for smooth and accurate gameplay in Unity. Here’s a simple and friendly guide to help you understand:
- Definition: The time it took to complete the last frame.
- Purpose: Keep frame-dependent updates smooth and consistent.
- Use Case: Perfect for smooth animations or character movements.
- Definition: The fixed interval for physics updates.
- Purpose: Ensures physics calculations are stable and consistent.
- Use Case: Ideal for applying forces or other physics-based logic.
Code Example Of Time.fixedDeltaTime
using UnityEngine;
public class ApplyForceWithFixedDeltaTime : MonoBehaviour
public float forceAmount = 10f; // Amount of force to apply
private Rigidbody rb;
void Start()
// Get the Rigidbody component of the object
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
void FixedUpdate()
// Apply a force in the forward direction using Time.fixedDeltaTime
if (rb != null)
// Apply force with respect to fixedDeltaTime
Vector3 force = transform.forward * forceAmount * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
// Apply the force to the Rigidbody
// Log Time.fixedDeltaTime to observe how it remains constant
Debug.Log("Time.fixedDeltaTime: " + Time.fixedDeltaTime);
Code Example Of Time.deltaTime:
using UnityEngine;
public class MoveWithDeltaTime : MonoBehaviour
public float moveSpeed = 5f; // Speed in units per second
void Update()
// Using Time.deltaTime to move the object smoothly, frame-rate independent
float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
// Movement based on deltaTime to ensure smooth movement regardless of frame rate
Vector3 movement = new Vector3(moveHorizontal, 0f, moveVertical) * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
// Apply movement to the object
When to Use:
Time.deltaTime: For smooth, frame-rate independent movement or transformations.
Time.fixedDeltaTime: For physics updates, such as forces, rigidbody movements, and other calculations that need consistent time intervals.
4. If there are two cubes, both having Box Colliders, and we collide them at runtime, will a collision happen?
This is the another most commonly asked question in Unity Developer Interview Questions For Freshers which you should definitely know about.
The answer is: No, the collision won’t be detected unless at least one of the cubes has a Rigidbody attached.
Why Won’t Unity Detect the Collision?
In Unity, Colliders define the shape of an object for collision detection. But for Unity to register a collision, at least one of the objects needs a Rigidbody. The Rigidbody is what connects an object to Unity’s physics system, making it respond to forces and interact with other objects in the scene.
Without a Rigidbody, Unity doesn’t treat the object as part of the physics simulation, so it won’t register a collision event—even if the Box Colliders are overlapping.
Will OnTriggerEnter and OnCollisionEnter Unity Functions Work Without a Rigidbody?
Here’s the thing: OnTriggerEnter and OnCollisionEnter also won’t work unless at least one of the objects involved has a Rigidbody.
These functions are part of Unity’s physics system, and they rely on the presence of a Rigidbody to detect when objects come into contact. Without it, Unity doesn’t process the objects in the physics engine, and no collision or trigger events will be fired.
So to conclude even with Box Colliders unity won’t detect a collision unless there’s a Rigidbody involved. If you want to trigger events like OnCollisionEnter or OnTriggerEnter, or if you want physics-based reactions like bouncing or pushing, don’t forget to attach a Rigidbody to at least one of the objects!
5. What is the purpose of Layers and Tags?
In Unity, Layers and Tags are super helpful for keeping things organized and making your life as a developer a lot easier. They’re simple concepts, but they do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to managing your scene and interactions between objects. Let’s break them down!
Think of Layers as ways to group objects together so you can control how they interact with the world. Layers are useful for things like collision detection, visibility, and raycasting. Here’s how they come in handy:
- Collision Detection: Layers help you decide which objects should collide with each other. In the Layer Collision Matrix (found under Edit > Project Settings > Physics), you can specify which layers should or shouldn’t collide. This is especially useful for performance—if you have things like UI elements or background objects that shouldn’t collide with your player, you can make sure Unity ignores those collisions.
- Visibility and Rendering: You can use Layers to control which objects show up in certain cameras. For example, you might have a camera for your main game view, and another one for a mini-map. If you only want certain objects visible to each camera, just assign them to different layers.
- Raycasting and Sorting: If you need to cast rays (like for shooting or checking line-of-sight), you can use Layers to limit the raycast to certain objects, which makes your game more efficient by ignoring irrelevant objects.
Tags are like labels for your GameObjects. They’re super handy when you need to quickly identify or find specific objects in your scene. Here’s how you can use them:
- Identification: Tags are great for things like identifying whether an object is an “Enemy” or “Player.” For example, if you want to check if something is an enemy, you can easily do that with a tag, and trigger some action (like applying damage) based on it.
- Finding Objects: When you need to grab a specific object but don’t want to manually reference it every time, tags are perfect. With GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(“Player”), you can quickly access the player object, no matter where it is in the scene.
- Optimized Searching: If you need to perform actions on a group of objects, tags make that easy too. For example, GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(“Collectible”) will return all the objects tagged as “Collectible,” so you can do things like collect them all in one go.
- Layers are great for organizing objects for things like collisions, visibility, and raycasting.
- Tags are used to label objects for easy identification and finding them in your scripts.
Using Layers and Tags properly can make your game more organized, help optimize performance, and make your code cleaner and more efficient. They’re simple, but they’re a big help when you’ve got a lot going on in your scene.
6. What is the difference between Resources and Streaming Assets Folder?
When developing in Unity, you’ll often need to decide where to store your assets. Two common options are the Resources and StreamingAssets folders. They might seem similar at first, but they have key differences that affect how your assets are handled during runtime, and even how they affect your final build size. Let’s break down the differences between the two and understand when to use each one.
Resources Folder:
The Resources folder in Unity is a special folder that allows you to load assets dynamically at runtime using Resources.Load(). It’s super convenient if you need to load assets like textures, audio files, or prefabs during gameplay.
However, there’s a catch: Unity includes all assets in the Resources folder in the final build. Whether you use them or not, they’ll still be packed into your game, potentially increasing the build size. Unity optimizes these assets by compressing and bundling them during the build process to reduce their size, but this still results in the assets being included in the game.
- Pro: Useful for large external assets that you need to access directly, like videos or configuration files.
- Con: Since these files are stored as-is and not compressed, they could increase your build size more than expected, especially if you’re using large assets.
StreamingAssets Folder:
On the other hand, the StreamingAssets folder is designed for assets that need to be kept as separate files in the final build. Assets placed in this folder are not compressed by Unity, meaning they are included as-is in your build. You access these files directly during runtime using file I/O operations, like System.IO, instead of loading them through Unity’s asset pipeline.
This folder is especially useful for large external assets such as video files, large data files, or anything that might be updated or downloaded during runtime. While Unity doesn’t alter or compress these files, they still get packaged into the build (for example, in the APK for mobile games).
- Pro: Useful for large external assets that you need to access directly, like videos or configuration files.
- Con: Since these files are stored as-is and not compressed, they could increase your build size more than expected, especially if you’re using large assets.
Build Size Comparison:
You might wonder, which folder increases the build size more?
If you place the same size of data in both folders, StreamingAssets will likely increase the build size more because the assets are stored uncompressed and are included in their original form. Unity doesn’t optimize them like it does with Resources. On the other hand, Resources are bundled and compressed during the build process, which generally results in a smaller overall build size compared to using the StreamingAssets folder.
In testing, you might notice that for smaller assets (like a 32 MB video file), the difference in size between the two folders can be minimal—sometimes only a few kilobytes. However, for larger assets, you’ll see a more significant difference, as Resources benefits from Unity’s internal optimization.
Summary of Key Differences:
- Resources Folder: Assets are bundled, compressed, and included in the final build. They can be loaded dynamically at runtime using Resources.Load(). However, all assets in this folder are included in the build, which can lead to increased file size.
- StreamingAssets Folder: Assets are stored as raw, uncompressed files and included as-is in the final build. These assets are accessed using file I/O operations, and they don’t go through Unity’s asset pipeline, meaning they aren’t optimized or compressed.
When to Use Each Folder:
- Use the Resources Folder when you need to dynamically load assets at runtime and don’t mind them being included in the build. It’s great for smaller assets that will always be used in the game, but be mindful of the potential for increased build size.
- Use the StreamingAssets Folder when you need to store large external assets that you don’t want Unity to modify or compress, like videos or configuration files. Keep in mind that these assets will be included as raw files and will add to the overall build size.
7. How to calculate direction between 2 objects
In the coding round this is most commonly asked Unity Developer Interview Questions For Freshers.
In game development, figuring out the direction from one object to another is super important. Whether you’re making enemies chase the player, guiding a missile, or just making sure a character looks in the right direction, this is something you’ll use all the time.
What is a Direction Vector
Think of a direction vector as an arrow that points from one object to another. It tells you exactly where the target is in relation to the origin. In Unity, we get this by subtracting one position from the other.
Vector3 direction = target.position - origin.position;
Code Explanation:
- Target.position is where you want to go.
- Origin.position is where you’re starting from.
- The result is a vector that points straight from the origin to the target.
Example: Moving an Object Toward a Target
Let’s say you have an enemy that needs to move toward the player. Here’s how you do it. Make a new C# script called MoveTowardsTarget and attach it to the enemy GameObject.
using UnityEngine;
public class MoveTowardsTarget : MonoBehaviour
public Transform target; // Drag and drop the player or target here in the Inspector
public float speed = 5f;
void Update()
if (target != null)
// Find the direction
Vector3 direction = target.position - transform.position;
// Normalize it so we just get the direction without changing the speed
// Move toward the target
transform.position += direction * speed * Time.deltaTime;
Code Explanation:
- We find the direction by subtracting positions.
- We normalize the vector so it only gives direction, not extra speed.
- We move the enemy smoothly toward the target.
8. What are events and delegates?
If you’ve been coding in Unity for a while, you’ve probably heard of events and delegates. They might sound complicated, but once you get the hang of them, they’re actually super useful for writing clean and flexible code.
Once you clear all the basic questions this is a bit advanced Unity Developer Interview Questions For Freshers. I would really suggest to implement it yourself in your game or in any dummy project it will help you to understand it better.
Let’s break them down in a simple way and see how they work with a real example!
What Are Delegates?
Think of a delegate as a way to store a function in a variable. Just like you can store numbers in an int or text in a string, a delegate holds a reference to a method, which you can call later.
Delegates as a Notification System
Delegates are like a broadcast system inside your game. You can set them up to trigger on specific events, and the moment something happens, all the subscribers get notified automatically. Think of it like sending out a group message—whether a player takes damage or the game ends, all relevant objects hear about it instantly and can respond accordingly. This makes your code much cleaner and more efficient.
Declaring a Delegate:
public delegate void MyDelegate();
Code Explanation:
- delegate is the keyword that defines a delegate.
- void means this delegate points to methods that return nothing.
- MyDelegate is the name of the delegate.
Now, let’s use it!
public class DelegateExample : MonoBehaviour
public delegate void MyDelegate();
public MyDelegate onAction;
void Start()
onAction = SayHello;
onAction(); // Calls the SayHello method
void SayHello()
Debug.Log("Hello from the delegate!");
Code Explanation:
- We create a delegate called MyDelegate.
- We store the SayHello function inside onAction.
- When we call onAction(), it runs SayHello().
What Are Events?
Events are built on top of delegates, but they provide an extra layer of protection. The key difference is that events do not allow subscribers to override existing subscriptions. With a delegate, multiple methods can subscribe, but someone could also accidentally overwrite the entire delegate. Events prevent that by restricting direct assignment—so you can only subscribe (+=) or unsubscribe (-=), but not assign directly (=).
Declaring an Event:
public class EventExample : MonoBehaviour
public delegate void MyEventDelegate();
public static event MyEventDelegate onGameStart;
void Start()
if (onGameStart != null)
onGameStart(); // Calls all subscribed methods
Subscribing And De-Subscribing to an Event:
public class Listener : MonoBehaviour
void OnEnable()
EventExample.onGameStart += GameStarted;
void OnDisable()
EventExample.onGameStart -= GameStarted;
void GameStarted()
Debug.Log("The game has started!");
Code Explanation:
- We create an event onGameStart in EventExample.
- In Listener, we subscribe to the event using +=.
- When the event is triggered, all subscribed methods run.
- We unsubscribe in OnDisable to avoid issues.
Why Use Events and Delegates?
- Acts as a Notification System – Notifies multiple objects when something happens (like damage or game over).
- Prevents Overwriting – Events protect from accidental overrides, unlike delegates.
- Decouples Code – Objects don’t need direct references to each other.
- More Organized – Keeps logic cleaner and easier to manage.
- Scalable – Easily add more behaviors without modifying existing code.
Events and delegates might seem tricky at first, but once you start using them, you’ll see how powerful they are. Whether you’re handling UI interactions, AI behavior, or game mechanics, mastering these concepts will level up your Unity coding skills!
9. What is Scriptable Object and its uses?
You would have probably come across Scriptable Objects. At first, they might seem like just another type of C# class, but trust me, once you get the hang of them, they’ll change the way you structure your game’s data!
Let’s break it down in a simple way and see how they work with real examples.
What is a Scriptable Object?
A Scriptable Object is a special type of data container in Unity that allows you to store and manage data outside of MonoBehaviour scripts. Unlike normal classes, Scriptable Objects don’t exist in a scene—instead, they live as assets in your project.
Why is This Useful?
- They help organize data without being tied to GameObjects.
- They improve performance by reducing unnecessary memory usage.
- They allow easy data sharing between objects without complex dependencies.
Think of Scriptable Objects Like…
Scriptable Objects is like a global data containers for your game. Instead of storing information inside a GameObject’s script, you store it in a separate asset file that can be accessed by multiple objects. This makes it super useful for things like game settings, character stats, item data, and more!
How to Create a Scriptable Object in Unity?
Step 1: Create the Scriptable Object Class
using UnityEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "NewPlayerStats", menuName = "Game Data/Player Stats")]
public class PlayerStats : ScriptableObject
public int health;
public float speed;
public int attackPower;
Code Explaination:
- [CreateAssetMenu] allows you to create an instance of this Scriptable Object directly from the Unity Editor’s ‘Create’ menu, so you don’t have to manually instantiate it through code. So when you do Right Click in the Project window, and go to ‘Create’ You will see ‘Game Data’ and inside that ‘NewPlayerStats’.
- PlayerStats extends ScriptableObject instead of MonoBehaviour.
- We define three public variables: health, speed, and attackPower.
Step 2: Create an Instance in the Editor
- In Unity, right-click in the Project window.
- Navigate to Create → Game Data → Player Stats.
- A new asset file is created—this is your Scriptable Object instance!
Step 3: Use the Scriptable Object in a Script
public class Player : MonoBehaviour
public PlayerStats playerStats;
void Start()
Debug.Log("Player Health: " +;
Code Explaination:
- We create a public PlayerStats variable in our Player script.
- We assign the Scriptable Object asset in the Unity Inspector.
- When the game runs, it prints the player’s health from the Scriptable Object.
When Should You Use Scriptable Objects?
10. Have you used Singleton? If so what is it?
Last but not the least, When it comes to Unity Developer Interview Questions For Freshers this is favourite question of interviewers A Singleton is a design pattern that ensures a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it. Once instantiated, it remains alive across all scenes unless explicitly destroyed. In Unity, this is super useful when you need a central manager for things like Game State, Audio, or Input Handling.
Imagine you’re running a game, and you need a GameManager to keep track of the score, game state, and player progress. You wouldn’t want multiple versions of it floating around—things would get messy fast! With a Singleton, you make sure there’s only one GameManager controlling everything.
How to Implement a Singleton in Unity?
Here’s a simple way to set up a Singleton in Unity:
using UnityEngine;
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
public static GameManager Instance { get; private set; }
private void Awake()
if (Instance == null)
Instance = this;
Destroy(gameObject); // Prevent duplicates
Code Explaination:
- public static GameManager Instance – This makes the instance accessible from anywhere.
- Awake() – If there’s no instance, it assigns itself. Otherwise, it destroys duplicates.
- DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject) – This ensures the Singleton persists across scenes.
Now, anywhere in your game, you can just call:
And boom! You have a global manager ready to handle game logic.
When Should You Use a Singleton?
Singletons are great for:
- Game Management (tracking score, levels, state)
- Audio Management (ensuring one music player runs across scenes)
- Input Handling (centralizing user input logic)
- Saving and Loading Data (keeping track of player progress)
When to Avoid Singleton?
- If you find yourself overusing Singletons, it might be a sign of bad architecture.
- If multiple objects need different instances, a Singleton might not be the best fit.
- If you need dependency injection, Singletons can sometimes create tight coupling.
Final Thoughts
Based on my experience, these are some of the most commonly asked Unity Developer Interview Questions For Freshers. But apart from all of this as a bonus I would also suggest you to read about Coroutines, You can also explore my dedicated post on All About Coroutines I’ve made sure the answers are clear and easy to understand, so you’re fully prepared to tackle your interview. I hope this guide helps you confidently step into your interview and successfully land that Unity developer role. Best of luck, and happy coding!

Aakash Solanki
I am a professional unity game developer. I have a passion for creating immersive gaming experiences. For me writing articles feels like giving back to the community we have learned from. My hobbies involve playing games and writing articles and sometimes I also create youtube videos.